What’s the process like?
How to get started
Intro + Sample Session
We have 15 minutes for intros, a brief explanation of the coaching process, and discussion about what you want to get out of it.
We’ll then spend about 30 minutes coaching on a topic that is important to you so you can get a feel for it, and leave a few minutes at the end for feedback and questions.
I give you some pre-work — and we use that as a springboard for a fun, energetic, get-to-know-you session. We use this time to orient ourselves, figure out where you are, and plan where you’re going.
Regular Sessions
Ongoing sessions on the same day and time every week, usually three times per month. Sessions consist of a review of homework from the last session, and then whatever topic(s) you bring. You know far better than I do what you need to work on!
Packages and Fees
All packages offer guidance, skill building, reflection, mentoring, support, and perspective grounded in decades of experience and include:
One kickoff Discovery Session:
For remote coaching: ~3 hours of deep conversation, reflection, focus, and laughter
For in-person coaching: ~5 hours of powerful conversation, including lunch, some outdoor activities, and whatever else we co-create together!
Three Regular Sessions per month
Sessions are ~50 minutes in length
Additional Sessions available from time to time at no additional cost, schedule permitting
Text and email support
Minimum 6 month commitment
Pay in full for a discount or pay-as-you-go (monthly)
Payment is accepted via credit card only — no checks, cash, PO’s, terms, etc.
Packages can be further customized (frequency, duration, etc)